General information
Last modification date: 11/06/2021.
For previous versions, please contact the owner and person responsible for the processing of personal data (hereinafter “the website”) collects some personal data of users who browse it.
According to Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the federal provisions on data protection (Data Protection Act, DSG), every person has the right to the protection of their privacy and protection against misuse of their personal data. The operators of this website take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this data protection declaration.
This information is drawn up on the basis of multiple legislative systems, including Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution, the federal provisions on data protection (Data Protection Act, DSG) and Articles. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. The purpose of the same is to provide information on the methods, purposes, scope of communication, circulation, dissemination, timing and nature of personal data and rights of users and subjects who interact with the website regardless of the purpose of the connection.
This information only concerns the website, unless otherwise specified.
The website
does not provide services to minors under the age of 18 . In the case of requests made for or by minors, the parent, or whoever holds parental authority, must fill in the data requests.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
The owner has the right to modify this document by notifying users on this same page or, if foreseen and possible, through the contacts in his possession. The user is therefore invited to periodically consult this page. To confirm the actual change, consult the date of the last modification indicated at the bottom of the page.
The owner will take care of collecting users’ consent again in the event that the changes to this document concern data processing for which consent is required.
Data protection declaration for SSL / TLS encryption
This website uses SSL / TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as requests you send to us as a website operator. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the fact that the browser address line changes from “http: //” to “https: //” and the padlock symbol in the browser line.
If SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.
Methods, places and times of processing the acquired data
Owner and manager of the processing of personal data
Paolo Gatto, Via Volta, 81 – 22100 – Como, Tel:
+39 3482616001 , E-mail:
Places where the acquired data are kept
The personal data of users are kept and processed in the owner’s operational and administrative headquarters, as well as in the webfarms where the servers that host the website reside, or on the servers that make the backup copies. The user’s personal data reside in Switzerland and Germany.
Retention times for acquired data
In the case of data acquired directly through the website, the data are kept for 24 months following the completion of the service. Or until the consent is revoked.
In the event that the owner is obliged to keep personal data in compliance with a legal obligation or by order of authority, the owner can keep the data for a longer time, necessary for the obligations.
At the end of the retention period, the personal data will be deleted. After the deadline, it will no longer be possible to access your data, request its cancellation and portability.
Methods of processing the acquired data
The owner has designed an appropriate computer system to ensure security measures deemed suitable to prevent access, disclosure, modification, unauthorized cancellation, loss, misuse or falsification of personal data.
The processing takes place by our authorized personnel, using automated tools in compliance with current legislation and in compliance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, protection of the user’s privacy and his rights, for the time strictly necessary for use. of the service. Our IT system is structured in such a way as to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
The user has the right to obtain information about the security measures adopted by the owner to protect the data.
We would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (eg when communicating by e-mail) can have security gaps. Complete protection of the data against access by third parties is not possible.
Access to data in addition to the owner
Only the owner and / or external subjects (such as third party IT service providers, web farms, communication agencies, complementary service providers) have access to personal data collected by If necessary, these structures are appointed by the data controller.
The user can request an updated list of data processors from the data controller at any time.
Communication of any unwanted access to the Privacy Guarantor
Our IT system is monitored and controlled by technicians and systems engineers. This does not mean that, even if it is considered a remote possibility, there may be unwanted access. In the event that this occurs, the owner undertakes, as per GDPR, to notify the Privacy Guarantor within the terms established by law.
Types of data acquired
Il sito Web raccoglie dati degli utenti direttamente o tramite terze parti. Maggiori dettagli sul tipo di dati raccolti per ogni servizio sono specificati nelle sezioni dedicate di questa privacy policy. Le tipologie di dati raccolti automaticamente sono:
- Indirizzo IP (in forma anonima)
- Browser usato e tipo di dispositivo usato per la connessione
- Pagina web di arrivo (o provenienza), lista delle pagine visitate, percorso seguito, tempo di visita di ciascuna pagina e pagina di uscita
- Data e ora della visita
- In generale, i dati tecnici di navigazione
Questi ultimi sono raccolti in forma aggregata e anonima.
Il sito web utilizza strumenti di statistica per il tracciamento della navigazione degli utenti, l’analisi avviene tramite log. Non utilizza direttamente cookie ma può utilizzare cookie includendo servizi di terzi.
I dati personali che potrebbero eventualmente, deliberatamente, volontariamente e in modo facoltativo essere forniti dall’utente tramite la compilazione di form includono (ma la lista non è esaustiva):
- Nome, Cognome,
- Numero di telefono
- Indirizzo Email
- Filiale
- Tutti i dati che saranno immessi nella casella di testo dei form di contatto
L’uso del/dei form di contatto per contattare il titolare del sito web non è obbligatorio ai fini della navigazione sul sito ma il suo uso implica in modo esplicito l’accordo ad essere ricontattati. Nel caso in cui l’utente preferisca non comunicare questi dati, il servizio sarà fornito ugualmente dal sito web.
L’invio di posta elettronica, chiamate telefoniche o qualsiasi contatto avvenga fra l’utente e il titolare del sito web tramite dati del sito web sono facoltative ma comportano la successiva acquisizione e trattamento dei dati personali forniti. Questi rapporti non sono più regolati da questa dichiarazione ma secondo le politiche aziendali del titolare.
Prima di inserire dati di terze persone nel sito web l’utente deve verificare di averne i permessi e la base legale. Il sito non può essere responsabile per tali tipi di abusi.
Ciascun utilizzo di cookie viene dettagliato nella
Cookie Policy
Finalità del trattamento dei dati acquisiti
I dati dell’utente sono raccolti dal titolare per le seguenti finalità:
- fornire informazioni tecniche e commerciali
- fornire preventivi agli utenti
- contattare l’utente
- adempiere eventuali obblighi di legge
- rispondere ad azioni legali
- individuare e proteggersi da abusi sul sito web (come ad esempio protezione dallo spam)
- statistiche e analisi dei comportamenti degli utenti
L’utente può richiedere in qualsiasi momento al titolare del trattamento, chiarimenti sulle finalità di ciascun trattamento.
Base giuridica del trattamento dei dati acquisiti
Il titolare acquisisce dati personali degli utenti nei casi sotto descritti.
Il trattamento si rende necessario:
- se l’utente ha deliberatamente accettato il trattamento per una o più finalità
- Per rapporti precontrattuali come, ad esempio, fornire un preventivo o sottoporre un contratto all’utente
- per fornire un servizio all’utente
- Affinché il titolare possa adempiere ad un obbligo di legge
- Affinché il titolare possa adempiere ad un compito di interesse pubblico
- Affinché il titolare possa adempiere ad un esercizio di pubblici poteri
- Per l’obbligo, da parte del titolare, dell’esecuzione di compiti di pubblico interesse
- perché il titolare o terzi possano perseguire i propri legittimi interessi.
L’utente può richiedere in qualsiasi momento al titolare del trattamento, chiarimenti sulla base giuridica di ciascun trattamento.
Dettagli specifici sull’acquisizione e uso dei dati personali
Per contattare l’utente
Moduli di contatto
Fornitore del servizio: Il sito web
Finalità del servizio: L’utente può compilare il/i moduli di contatto/richiesta informazioni, inserendo i propri dati, acconsentendo così in modo esplicito al loro uso per rispondere alle richieste di natura indicata nella intestazione del modulo.
Dati personali che potrebbero essere raccolti: nome, cognome, email, numero di telefono e qualunque altro dato l’utente scelga di inserire nella caselle. L’inserimento di qualunque dato nel/i moduli di contatto rappresenta esplicito consenso al suo trattamento.
Dati personali raccolti: nome, cognome, indirizzo e-mail, altri dati inseriti dall’utente.
Place of processing : Switzerland.
For statistics
These services are used by the data controller and third parties to analyze the traffic made by users on the website
The data acquired and the use of the same by third party services are governed by the respective Privacy Policy to which please refer.
Google Analytics
Service Provider : Google, Inc.
Purpose of the service : web analysis service. This service collects user data (anonymously thanks to the IP anonymization) to monitor and analyze the use of the website, generate reports and also use them for other Google services.
Data collected : anonymized IP address, usage data
Place of processing : Netherlands or United States (depending on the country from which you connect to the website).
Privacy Policy :
Opt-Out :
Adhering to the Privacy Shield
Displaying content from external platforms
Google fonts
Service Provider : Google, Inc.
Purpose of the service : Display of fonts (character styles) other than the standard ones of the browser.
Data collected : usage data and those specified in the Google privacy policy.
Place of processing : Netherlands or United States (depending on the country from which you connect to the website).
Privacy Policy :
Use of Google Maps
This website uses the offer of Google Maps. This allows us to show you interactive maps directly on the website and allows you to conveniently use the map function. When you visit the website, Google records your visit to the website page. This happens regardless of whether you have a user account that you are logged in to or that there is no Google user account. If you are logged in to Google, your data will be assigned directly to your account. If you do not wish to be connected to your Google profile, you must log out before using the maps. Google saves your data as a usage profile and uses it for advertising, market research and / or designing its own site as needed. This evaluation is done in particular (even for users who are not logged in) to provide needs-based advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, even if you must contact Google to exercise this right.
User rights
The user has all the rights provided for by art. 12 of the EU GDPR, the right to check, modify and integrate (rectify), delete their personal data by contacting the owner or in the case of third party services by accessing their websites as per the list.
Specifically, you have the right to:
- Access: know if the owner holds personal data relating to the user and what these data are (Article 15 Right to access)
- Modify, supplement or rectify inaccurate or incomplete personal data (Art. 16 Right of rectification)
- request the cancellation of one or part of the personal data kept if one of the reasons provided for by the GDPR exists (Right to Cancellation, 17)
- Withdraw your consent at any time
- limit the processing only to part of the personal data, or completely withdraw consent to the processing, if one of the reasons provided for by the Regulation exists (Article 18 Right to limitation of processing)
- receive or transfer to another holder a copy of all personal data held by the holder, in a commonly used organized format, and also readable by automatic device (Article 20, Right to Portability)
- object in whole or in part to the processing of data if this occurred for reasons other than explicit consent. (Article 21 Right to object).
- oppose the processing of data automatically or not for profiling purposes (so-called Consent) Users are reminded that they can oppose the processing of data used for advertising purposes, without giving any reasons
- Propose a complaint to the supervisory authority or take legal action.
How a user can exercise his rights
The user can exercise their rights set out above by communicating a request to the data controller.
The request to exercise one’s right has no cost. The owner undertakes to process requests as quickly as possible, and in any case within one month.
The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority.
Additional information on data processing
Defense in court
In the event of an appeal to the court for abuse by the user in using the website or the services connected to it, the owner has the right to disclose the user’s personal data. He is also obliged to provide the aforementioned data at the request of the public authorities.
Request for specific information
The user has the right to request specific information from the data controller on the services on the website and / or the collection and use of personal data.
Data collection for system logs and maintenance
The website and / or third-party services may collect the user’s personal data, such as the IP address, in the form of a system log. The collection of this data is linked to the operation and maintenance of the website.
Information not contained in this policy
The user has the right to request additional information not present in this Policy regarding the processing of personal data from the data controller at any time. The owner can be contacted via the contact details.
“Do Not Track” requests
“Do Not Track” requests are not supported by the website.
The user is invited to consult the Privacy Policy of the third party services listed above to find out which ones support this type of request.
Personal data (or data, or user data)
Personal data is the information that identifies or makes identifiable, directly or indirectly, a person and that can provide information on his characteristics, his habits, his lifestyle, his personal relationships, his state of health, his situation. economic, etc ..
Usage data
The information that is automatically collected while browsing the website is used, both from the website itself and from the third party applications included in the site. Examples of usage data are the IP address and device and browser details (including geographic location) that the user uses to navigate the site, addresses in URI notation, server response codes, pages viewed and the duration of the user’s stay on the individual pages.
The person who uses the website.
It coincides with the interested party, unless otherwise specified.
Interested is the natural person to whom the personal data refer. So, if a treatment concerns, for example, the address or other data of Mario Rossi, this person is the interested party (article 4, paragraph 1, point 1), of
EU Regulation 2016/679 .
Data processor (or manager)
Responsible is the natural or legal person or public administration to whom the data controller entrusts, even outside its organizational structure, specific and defined management and control tasks on its behalf for data processing (Article 4, paragraph 1, point 8) , of the
EU Regulation 2016/679 . The Regulation itself introduced the possibility that a manager may, in turn and according to certain conditions, designate another subject so-called “sub-processor” (Article 28 (2)).
Data controller (or owner)
Owner is the natural person, public authority, company, public or private body, association, or legal person, etc., which takes decisions on the purposes, purposes, methods and means of processing (article 4, paragraph 1, point 7), of
EU Regulation 2016/679 .
The website through which the personal data of users are collected and processed. In this case
The service offered by the website as indicated in the relative terms.
European Community (or EU)
Any reference relating to the European community extends to all current member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area, unless otherwise specified.
Cookies are Tracking Tools which consist of small pieces of data stored in the User’s browser.
View the
Cookie policy
Last modification date: 11/06/2021
Older versions available on request only